“Murderers, thieves, hypocrites are the European Imperialists” said the massive rallies


“Murderers, thieves, hypocrites are the European Imperialists” said the massive rallies

FISE participates in a big demonstration of Greek and Migrant workers lead to the offices of the European Union where PAME raised a huge banner with the slogan

Murderers-Thieves-Hypocrites Are the European Imperialists 

Pano In Greece, the mass rally organized by PAME concluded at the offices of the European Union in Athens, opposite to the Hellenic Parliament. Trade Unionists climbed to the building of the European Union with ladders to hang the banner with the slogan “Murders, thieves, hypocrites are the European Imperialists”, while the rally shouted “Murderers”. The flag of the European Union was put on fire in an act of defiance and protest while the entrance of the building was painted red in the colour of our brothers and sisters who are being drown in the Mediterannean seeking for a better life.











In Italy, the demonstration organized by USB outside of the Parliament was attended by many migrant workers, migrants who had followed in the past the same route though the Mediterannean but managed to survive. They mourned their compatriots and promised to continue the struggle against the imperialist policy. President Boldrini denied the protestors request to meet with them and hear their demands. Aboubakar Soumahoro, National Executive Member of USB addressed the rally exposing the cruel reality that migrant workers face.
