They claim that they support the Greek teachers while they are supporting the memorandums

August 5th

They claim that they support the Greek teachers while they are supporting the memorandums

During the 7th World Congress of the International Education IE, member of which is the European ETUCE, held in Ottawa, Canada, on July 25, the delegates approved a resolution against the austerity policies in Greece, lodged by a Greek trade unionist – executive of the SYRIZA government. The Government of SYRIZA is bringing the third and the most brutal anti-popular memorandum to the Greek People. That is denouncing political “austerity” those who impose them.

It is provocative that unions actively supporting mechanisms and governments, which impose austerity and misery to the people of Greece and other countries, to talk about austerity policies.

It is provocative that unions that proclaim faith to the EU, the NATO and the imperialist powers to address solidarity resolutions.

The struggle to meet modern educational needs in Greece is attached to the struggle of the working class against the EU policy, against the policy of the monopolies, against the measures imposed by the government of the SYRIZA- ANEL and with the agreement of the political parties of NEA DIMOKRATIA, POTAMI, PASOK.

The World Federation of Teachers Unions constantly struggling on the side of teachers and the global working class, following the line of the World Federation of Trade Unions WFTU, the line of the insubordinate class struggle.

It struggles so that the working class is able to cover all its needs without human exploitation by man.