2nd of May, 2020

The vice-president of FISE in Europe demands the immidiate release of the demonstrators in Valparaiso, Chile

The vice-president of World Federation of Teachers΄ Union FISE in Europe, member of WFTU, condemns the arrests of 39 workers and demonstrators in the city of Valparaiso, in Chile, who were participating in the celebration of the World Day of Workers, on the 1st of May.

Even though the demonstrators followed the instructions of WHO and the necessary health measures, the government proceeded with the arbitrary arrests, with the excuse of the supposed protection of the public health, expressed by its representative Jorge Martínez Durán. Among the union representatives who were arrested and are facing the possibility of imprisonment is also the president of the organisation SNTE-CHILE, the comrade MICHAEL HUMANA CONCHA, member of the excecutive secreteriat of  FISE.

We demand the immidiate release of the arrested and the stop of the clearly political prosecutions. The comrade, president MICHAEL HUMANA CONCHA has a constant presence in the everyday struggles and the union struggles for Education, for the rights of the teachers and of all workers in Chile.

We are informing the syndicates of WFTU, the syndicates members of FISE, the teachers and workers to send in messages of solidarity to the arrested and of strong demand for the release of the arrested and for respect towards their political rights.

The best defence against the visible for the human eye viruses of COVID are our struggles for the defence of the public health and our rights.