July 21, 2019

 A message of solidarity to the Tunisian University Teachers and Researchers Union


The syndicate of university professors in Tunisia “IJABA” has been protesting for 2 years now. Professors and students are facing the intransigenceof the government, who is trying to defame the struggles of the professors, declares their strikes illegal, strips them of basic rights, violates the labour contracts that it signed and uses the restraining mechanisms in every mass protest. During this period of time, the government has gone forward with thepause of two professors and the arrests of two students.

The World Federation of Teachers FISE, member of WFTU, condemns the autarchy and the intransigenceof the government of Tunisia. It condemns the attempt to defame and muzzling of the syndicalist movement and the attempt to abolish the right to strike, to exchange opinions, to speak freely.

FISE stands by the side of the educators and the students in Tunisia. It supports the struggle of the syndicate IJABA. It expresses complete solidarity to everyone that is being hunted down for their ideals and to everyone participating in the struggle for the rights of the professors, the right of the working class to have access to modern, substantial education in the public universities, free of any costs.

FISE calls on the syndicates to send messages of solidarity to IJABA, to inform the workers in their lands about the situation of the professors in Tunisia.

We support your struggle, we support your voice!