2nd Pancyprian Conference of the employees on Public Services.


For the 2nd Pancyprian Conference of the employees on Public Services.
25/11/2014 Nicosia, Cyprus
On behalf of the Central Secretariat of the World Education Federation , we wish to all of you who are present here, to teachers and employees of Cyprus, success in the work of your conference and our unions to become stronger, more decisive for the interest of all of us.
Education is following the consequences of the World capitalist crisis. Day after day the EU, International organizations, NGOs, the reformist unions are working feverishly to adapt education from early childhood to the university -the teachers-the curriculum to the modern needs of the capitalist economy ,capitalist market but also to the theory of strengthening capitalism against the need of our unions to fight for labor, social and educational rights of the working class and the popular strata.
The struggle of teachers is intertwined with the struggles of working class. We can remind to all of you that substantial improvements in the field of education in all countries were conquered with struggles of the working class.
Today, they are trying to get out of the crisis unscathed by cornering our unions or by breaking them up, capitalists and their mechanisms are taking several measures to accelerate changes in the minds of the new shift of the working class. They are tampering History, by equating communism with fascism, Hitler and Stalin. They are reducing dramatically the number of teachers and their salaries , they are closing schools while the doors to businesses and donors are kept wide open not only to save money but also because they want to adapt education, teachers, the new generation to the programs and the needs of multinationals.
WFTU follows with interest the developments in all the unions, Strengthens the coordination of teacher unions and the solidarity among students, teachers, working class around the world. The recent campaign launched for solidarity in the schools of Palestine and Uganda is in progress and has a positive impact on all teachers.
The difficulties of the capitalist crisis, the submission of the majority of
governments,the high illiteracy in many countries, poverty, child labor, drugs, lack of infrastructure in schools and many other problems do not discourage us. On the contrary
they strengthen our struggle. They make necessary the contact and cooperation of class unions, our international solidarity.
TO WFTU it is clear that the education and the teachers
must serve the interests of their class in order to
conquer their own rights.

We await with hope and optimism the results and decisions of your conference.
All the best of success