Sudan: High school pupils murdered in demonstration 

August 2019

High school pupils murdered in demonstration 

There has been a continuous flow of blood in demonstrations in Sudan with the recent compromise between some forces of the opposition party and the military junta of General Abdel Fattah Burhan set as background, three months after the coup of April, which lead to the removal of the former President, Omar al-Bashir.

On Monday, July 29, 2019, “security” forces shot on the back and killed five protesters, of which four were high-school pupils, during their protesting against the shortages in bread and fuel in the city Al-Obeid in Central Sudan. The new murder of protesters caused the reaction of the Sudanese Professionals Association (SPA) which participated in the negotiations with the military forces and suggested the repetition of the protests countrywide, denouncing the murder of the five civilians in Al-Obeid. Meanwhile, General Burhan condemned hypocritically the murder of the five protesters in Al-Obeid, expressing “sorrow”, because “the death of any Sudanese is a great loss for the country”. “We have to find a solution”, Burhan said.     

The murder of the pupils fuelled new protests, first of all in the city of Al-Obeid, as videos have been shared on social networks, where pupils protest outside the main hospital of the city regarding the deaths and the injuries of their classmates. Hundreds of teenagers, in their school uniforms, shouted “Blood for blood, we will not accept the blood-stained money”. On the 30th of July, the Sudan News Agency (SUNA) transmitted that the administration in North Kordofan shut down all schools until further ado.

Mohamed Khidr Mohamed Hamid, Governor in the state of  N.Kordofan, capital of which is Al-Obeid, tried to excuse the military, by stating uncertainty as to who started to shoot during the pupils’ protest.

Since last December, when the first mass protests started and put an end to the junta of former President Bashir, hundreds of protesters have been killed by the military and the police forces.

FISE condemns the cold-blooded murder of protesters by the security forces of the military junta. It urges the teachers and all the people in Sudan to continue the organised struggle for liberty and civil rights.

FISE would like to express its condolences to the families of the murdered protesters.

We send a message of solidarity to the federations, resisting the military junta and protesting for their rights.