Statement of Refusal to Trump’s Resolution to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
Dear comrades and friends
The WFTU Regional Office in the Middle East and its member organizations in the region condemn the resolution, which was made by the USA President Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli’s Capital. This resolution clearly manifests the harsh and unjust world that we are living in today. This resolution shows that the US government does not care at all for international law or UN resolutions regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. This resolution shows the endless support of US government to the occupying Israeli forces that humiliates, imprisons and kills our people in Palestine.
Our people in Palestine have long been the subject of occupation and oppression by the Israeli forces and international community. This resolution of the US government is meaningless and has no power on the ground because of the struggle of our people in Palestine and the support of free people arounf the world.
We support our people in Palestine for their just cause and we call upon all our forces around the world to make stands in front of US embassies around the world and to deliver strong messages condemning the US resolution and calling for the end of Israeli occupation to Palestine, Syrian Golan and Lebanese Shiba’a Farms.
We call for open days of stand with Palestinian people by having publications that expose the Israeli government’s daily plans to expand settlements in occupied Palestine territories.
No to Trump’s Plan to Recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli’s Capital
Long Lives the Palestinian Just Cause
Long Lives International Solidarity
Dr. Adnan Azzouz
Regional Director of WFTU
in the Middle East