Solidarity message with Students, teachers who protest against budget cuts in Argentina


Solidarity message with Students, teachers who protest against budget cuts in Argentina

The World Federation of Teachers Unions FISE, member of WFTU, salutes the actions of pupils and students and workers in Argentina, who protest with the moto “public education is in danger”.

FISE supports the requests for
-dignified wages for the educating personnel
-dignified budget for the universities

It supports the actions taken for the struggle against
-the law-plan UNICABA, which is being promoted by the government of Marci,
-the IMF and
-the persecution of struggling teachers.

The struggles of workers and students in Argentina matter to the whole working class. It is a class struggle against the IMF, against the capital and the governments, who obey its commands.

We are by your side!

Best of luck to your struggle!