Public Hospital Doctors of Greece Protest at Ministry of Healthcare (VIDEO-Photos)

Public Hospital Doctors of Greece Protest at Ministry of Healthcare

 The National Federation of Public Hospital Doctors of Greece (OENGE) held a protest at the Ministry of Healthcare on Thursday, March 19 demanding immediate measures for the protection of the people’s and doctors health faced with Covid-19 pandemic.

Specifically the doctors denounced the Governments tactics that even today refuse to stuff the Public Hospitals with the necessary doctors and personnel. Additionally the doctors protested for the shortages in necessary materials such as protective masks, gloves, etc.

The Federation also protested symbolically against the measure that prohibits gatherings of more than 10 persons, by 20 doctors standing together with their banner and raising their fists against any prohibition in trade union action.


The Federation condemned the provocative stance of the Minister who refused to meet with the delegation of the Doctors under the pretext of the pandemic!
