Labor Today: Teleconference of General Secretary with trade union leaders in Lebanon about the explosions at Beirut Port

The WFTU General Secretary held a Teleconference with trade union leaders in Lebanon about the explosions at Beirut Port

The WFTU General Secretary, comrade George Mavrikos, held a Teleconference with brothers Ghassan Ghosn, General Secretary of ICATU, Ali Taher Yassine, President of Al-Wafaa Federation of Trade Unions of Lebanon and Nasser Nazzal, General Secretary of the Sea Transport Union of Lebanon, in order to discuss on the disastrous explosions that occurred yesterday at Beirut port.
The discussion pointed out that this incident follows many efforts to sharpen the crisis in Lebanon, since the US imperialists and their European allies have imposed a financial siege in the country, causing serious problems of survival to the Lebanese workers and People.
The WFTU reiterates its support and solidarity to the working class of Lebanon and calls upon all its affiliated trade unions all over the world to express their solidarity with our Lebanese brothers and sisters, rejecting the financial war against Lebanon. The WFTU demands the truth behind the deadly explosions to be found and all responsible parties to be held accountable.
Once more we convey our sympathy to the families of the victims of the explosions and we wish a quick recovery for all injured people.