In The Greek Islands Teachers Are Stacked In Expensive Rooms Or Have To Sleep On The Beach !

A mobilization of 70 primary school teachers’ trade unions for the problems of the thousands of supply teachers, for the needs of schools, took place in the major cities of Greece on Friday, 29/9/2017. The teachers have highlighted the real picture that they and the schoolchildren face, as September ends, denouncing the measures that are reducing educational rights, demanding human conditions and rights for the thousands of supply teachers who have been crossing the whole country for up to 16 years, who worry about when and where they will get employed.

The Delegation of the Primary Education Associations and ELME met with the Deputy General Secretary of the Ministry of Education with no specific commitment from his part to the mobilization’s demands. The teachers, the permanent and the supply ones, at the end of the protest, called for organization and continuation of the struggle. The banner of the National Secretariat of Teachers of PAME wrote: “There is no compromise with the shortcomings – gaps – underfunding. Massive permanent appointments that meet our needs. We do not put our children’s educational rights to the government- EU’s cutter.”