FISE expresses its solidarity with the General Secretary of the UD Nord CGT, France and denounces his unjust prosecution.
FISE the World Federation of Teachers Unions, an affiliated member of WFTU, denounces the persecution against Jean- Paul Delescaut, the General Secretary of the UD Nord CGT, France in an attempt to silence the trade unions fighting for peace, against imperialism.
His prosecution is another intimidating, serious and dangerous attack on the democratic rights and freedom of expression of workers and trade unions. Such persecutions and attempts to silencing are being attempted by governments, NATO and the EU in many countries.
FISE and the teachers’ unions around the world fight against racism, xenophobia and hatred fostered by the exploiters of workers to divide and exploit peoples.
We denounce the prosecution against the General Secretary of the UD Nord CGT, France as unjust and unacceptable.
We denounce the attempt to silence the voices opposing the genocide of the Palestinian people, the attempt to terrorize the workers and silence the French fighting unions!
We fully support and stand by the UD Nord CGT, and we demand that the prosecution against its general secretary and all trade union militants cease.