Big protests by pupils and students in Italy

Big protests by pupils and students in Italy

FISE salutes the demonstrations in more than 50 cities across Italy, which were organized on Friday, the 12th of October 2018 by pupils and students voicing the words: “Government of change? Lies! It’s of repression and explotation. We need to regain our future!”, as to condemn the “cut of costs”, which is set as priority by the government of “Lega” – “5 star movement(M5S) and has led to another shrinking of the state funding of Education.

In Rome, the demonstration ended up outside of the Ministry of Education and the protesters denoounced the “savings”, that lead to new deterioration of the educational conditions, especially for the hundreds of thousands young people of the working class families. They criticised the claims of the government that she is supposedly different than her predecessors.

The students and pupils demand a raise of funding, especially regarding the textbooks and the transport of pupils, but also regarding the quality of the school buildings. The condemn the cut of state funding and the plans of the government to install security cameras in the schools.

They also criticise the obstacles that the government sets in educating the children of immigrants and refugees, who have seeked for shelter in Italy and are also being used for the inner imperialistic and bourgeois rivalry.