The historical antecedent PDECEM, construction, resistance and challenges

The historical antecedent PDECEM, construction, resistance and challenges.

“Would indeed be a naive approach, wait for the ruling classes to develop a form of education that allowed the dominated class perceived social injustices in critically”. Paulo Freire.

Democratic education and culture for the State of Michoacan program arises from the need for education workers to make us of our field of work, which we refer to the Trade Union political project, which is part of the third task, in the construction of an alternative education project.

The proposal that emerged in the eighteenth section, is the result of the participation of different sectors of society, which raised the need to build a project of alternative education that would reflect the feelings and the needs of the people and of the communities, from schools as places of resistance, to such effect was required the participation of all those interested in educational transformation that horizon has a liberating, popular, democratic, scientific education humanist and comprehensive. That is trainer of men and women free cults and transformers.

The point from which we start is to make a critique of reality, which deepen in pointing out the absurdity and irrational of destructive capitalism of life, social relations, social respect, of forms of community organization and seriously harm against nature, in addition to being an oppressive, exclusive system of death and cause of a neo colonization that determines who are dismantling the public and policies that strengthen the private, leaving in an alarming state of vulnerability to the majority of the population, denying the possibility of access to better living conditions.

Along the same lines we do constantly critical analyses to neoliberal education policies put in place for more than three decades, which have generated a crisis that led to the collapse to the national education system and that in modern times Crown its feat with the implementation of the educational reform that modifies the Constitution and decreed the reform of articles; 3° and 73° constitutional, which used the start of privatization of education.

The movement has gone through different times and we consider it necessary to make a brief compilation of our historical partner, by sending in the early 90´ was implemented when an educational model that focused on the formation of skills that will guarantee the income of development and modernity to our country in its neo-liberal phase, said model was the formation of a functional individual, that respond to the dynamic capitalist, developing basic skills to be subject to a system of labour and exploitation, unable to generate a minimal consciousness that allowed as an adult to defend their rights as a worker. That’s the kind of education that gave way to the agreements for the modernization of basic education and the official Union in collaboration with the Governments of those times that introduced such educational models in schools across the country, the first is called ANMEB , which also brings with it the first educational decentralization that generates serious consequences in the teachers of basic education and the second ACE, who struggle for a “quality education” which sees school as a company, teachers as leaders of market and students as products and merchandise. These models emerged in the margin of the FTA objectified to take Mexico to the world of globalization in which the countries first worlders were.

Teachers put opposition to these proposals and undertook in those years the road by the pursuit of our educational projects, which were real alternative and pedagogical resistance against an official curriculum that hid a way of forming between the lines individualist citizens, apathetic to social causes and alienated work exploited, is required then, think together what was the education that we require as Mexicans, as Michoacan, think about the processes that allow the construction of an educational project what will remain at the service of the working classes of the oppressed majorities and all those excluded from the capitalist system that were in public schools across the country.

In that context the Michoacan Magisterium clumps in the CNTE, we recognize the importance of thinking an alternative project with its main livelihoods in popular education thinking of the possibility of achieving a comprehensive critical democratic education humanist and liberating that is at the service of the people and not the interests of the capitalists and thus undertake work that involves dedication and delivery to make way for the first efforts that were carried out in order to start the first process that will provide the foundations of what later become the educational program.

The educational project is not isolated from the problems of the country and the State, therefore it is of vital importance to introduce us to a reflection on what the country we have and the conditions of life for Mexicans, which traveled to reach the reflection and dis collective cusion of as it is the country that we want. We recover in comprehensive schools the Assembly method as a basis for building the model of society that would reflect the aspirations of the Michoacano village, where reclaiming the struggle for the construction of a national sovereignty, a school which by the emancipation and freedom, where the formation of a free and thinking cultured human is brought to the Center.

Our horizon is social and we are sure that we walk on the right path, from our schools and in a close relationship with the community, we have spaces for the dialogue and generate joint and collective, proposals to build society We want to, it is necessary that each participant put greater effort, the provision to the community organization and dedication to achieve one of our major aspirations: the good life.

Our program is based on the dialectic method since it is the starting point from which we assume as left movement and collecting our feelings and aspirations, we always return the method from a critical perspective and clear that we are moving in a revolutionary practice in which we are aware that we are always in constant motion and that we have a program that is not concluded that requires of criticism and self-criticism to keep heading in the transformation.

The project recognizes as one of its main lines the training of workers in education since we require educators who are able to be moved to the reality and the conditions in which the country is who are able to feel part of the village and for the provision of work to social demands for which develops a series of collective pedagogical popular where teachers study and analyze texts, but also build training materials for your work, also have study circles to strengthen the political and ideological formation of educators.

US base on pedagogies that show processes that have lived in other parts of the world and which have set a precedent for the construction of a free and just society, we return as one of the three main history pedagogy that is built in the social movement in it we find large contributions that are based on popular education and showing us how the oppressed peoples of America fight and resist by claiming their people return to the struggle of the MST as a benchmark to they have fought and sustained resistance for a long time, Russian pedagogy has also given us great contributions what we put into practice in our processes of construction of our program with her have substantiated the need to recognize the work and the importance it has in society but we understood that it becomes a perspective that shows us that the work becomes a social value and not a value of how market who wanted to make the capitalists, we find a process of re in Russian education structuring of the society that he planted a precedent to form a cultured society what developed large scientific and human processes that were notorious around the world. We also return to the teachings of the masters José Martí, Simón Bolívar, Simón Rodríguez, Hidalgo, Morelos, Zapata and Lucio Cabañas, among many others that thought in a society that gives men and women the legacy of fighting for the dignity and the defence of the homeland.

We understood that we cannot allow the predominance of the neoliberal project of entrepreneurs from the school and consider the need for access to an alternative educational project to resume the importance to scientific knowledge but also to recover the ancestral knowledge, the worldview of the people, to ensure that our students learn in a collective environment, dialogue and which exceed is the discrimination and racism, that require anchoring us to the project of nation that recover popular and recognition of multiculturalism and ensure the rule of law for each of Mexican citizens, that will develop a new economy of solidarity and popular, containing the forms of organization of peoples, that satisfies the basic needs of the population, We propose a policy of democratic culture of active participation.

These aspirations of country are contained in the Democratic program of education and culture for the State of Michoacan. And we see them specific programs that we have, they are creations and designs that have made the companions of basis of the eighteenth section of Michoacan with support from the Trade Union Commissioners who have gone through the various sectional committees. First of all we have the method of Integrated linguistic development which is a proposal that seeks to develop reading and writing in preschool children, 1° and 2° of primary, which was necessary to be based on the theory of the word generator of one of the main theoretical how is Paulo Freire, the generating Word intends that children leave the silabeo and can learn whole words by recognizing them within their own context.

We have the Comprehensive schools of basic education, what are areas in which the program is developed in its entirety, where teachers, parents and students through the community meetings will determine which is the working path collective that it will develop into the school through a productive, environmental or cultural project according to the needs of the context of the school. In this way children will study the areas of knowledge that are linked to processing lines, in which work the academic part and in the cross will be incorporated into workshops that contribute to the formation of subjects, free, cults and thinking capable of joining the collective work and recognize it as a social value.

Within the program, we have also developed a series of tools that allow us a direct link with the community for which we design the CDCCAD that are centers of creativity, culture, art and sport, in which people of the community who wish to learn and share knowledge that may be useful to support the family economy, to the integral formation of the human being or to have a productive leisure time. We have workshops in arts such as dance, painting, theatre, music and singing. Community workshops production which include the preparation of miscellaneous items that can be marketable, nutritious food workshops and some preparations of artisan breads, jams, preserves and sweet just to mention some. The CDCCAD has as objective to maintain a close relationship with the community and use it as a space for dialogue, information and sharing of experiences, thus resist we build and transform together.

Another of our projects is the Popular literacy which is a space from which we organize ourselves and we link with the community, its goal is to eradicate the high rate of illiteracy and provide job opportunities for teachers community that they teach reading and writing to others.

So far the PDECEM takes important advances since have developed a series of materials that support the work that is done in the schools, there are a series of books of text alternative to the level of basic education, already printed for the teacher and students, which are distributed between the various regions that make up the 18th section and who are working within the democratic program of education and culture, this has been one of our most important progress that allows us to maintain a close bond with the community, thank support that parents provide the democratic teachers, because in this way we build together the education we need as Mexicans.

It is important to note that currently remains a struggle to achieve that SEP validates and recognizes the certification processes emanating from the PDECEM, which has managed to stationery such as ballots and certificates to be printed in a traditional way and that respecting the context in which our program is part of validating our proposals such as the areas of knowledge and our own forms of assessment, in this way is that move and that we are confident that we will maintain our program for a long time.

The current challenge is to enhance our PDECEM to get a majority of workers in the education of the State of Michoacán to feel protected by the educational program and may return to the alternatives, this to the implementation by the SEP, a model educational which projected the formation of the society of the 22ND century where are their main force in technological development, with exclusive projects that do not take into account the majorities and that put at risk public education, we are aware that the educational reform is continuing and that behind it lies a project begging posed a structural change in the country and the same thought.

Teachers will continue to fight and we suggest that you there is protest without educational proposal, therefore strengthen the educational struggle which is made from the CNTE, joining all efforts being carried out by conform the national education project Alternative, sharing also our contributions and developments, opening processes in which educators base can systematize their own experiences of the important work that they do in their alternative educational practice.


Collaboration of the trade union centre of research and innovation educational section XVIII SNTE – CNTE.