Resolutions of the conference in Brussels, on October 28-29


the role of teachersIn the two-day conference organized by the FISE and PAME on October 28-29, in Brussels the following resolutions were approved:

 1. Solidarity with the 5 Cuban patriots

The 5 Cuban patriots, who were arrested in America trying to prevent provocations and attacks of the imperialists against their homeland, are still in U.S. prisons for years now.

Cuba has received hundreds of evident and hidden attacks and is experiencing bad consequences from the embargo imposed by the American government, because of the will of the Cuban people to live freely in their country and become the masters of the wealth they produce.

The continued detention of the 5 Cuban patriots is totally connected with the hostile policy of the USA against the Cuban people, and with the effort to terrorize those who decide to oppose the plans of all the imperialists.

The teachers of the FISE trade unions strengthen our solidarity with Cuba. We decide:

  • To take initiatives and participate in the campaigns for the release of the Cuban patriots.
  • To give this resolution to the embassies of Cuba located in every country.
  • To call upon other teachers’ trade unions and other teachers individually to propagate the campaign for their release. 

 The FISE Presidium

 2. For the trade union freedoms

We denounce the governments of the countries which launch attacks on workers who struggle. They try to prevent the organization of workers in the trade unions through terrorist mechanisms; they prohibit the trade union freedoms or murder every pioneer militant who opposes their plans.

The teachers’ trade unions which agree with the FISE new course are opposed to every effort of the imperialist forces and the capitalist governments to silence the militant voice of the working class, the militant course of the teachers’ trade unions.

We call the fellow militants of all the class-oriented trade unions to strengthen their solidarity with the trade unionists who are persecuted, in cooperation with the FISE and the WFTU. We call them to take initiatives to support the children of the murdered trade unionists in Colombia. They must vigorously defend the trade union freedoms. They must teach in the schools and universities that everything is won through struggles against the system that steals our right to live, to demand, to struggle, against the system of exploitation of man by man.

  The FISE Presidium