(PLF) Condolance Message on the sad demise of Trade Union Leader of Palisatian Comrade Khalid Abdul Ghani Khreisheh

Haji Muhammad saeed A|rian Founder/ Secretray General Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF) paid great tribute to the Comrade Khalid Abdul Ghani Khreisheh on his meritorious services for the rights of the palistanian workers and said that his struggle and services for the protection of the workers rights will be rembered in the history of Trade Unions of Palistine.He said that Comrade.Khalid Abdul Ghani death is a great loss to the movement of Labour and Trade Union of Palestinian.
He said that Pakistan Labour Federatrion has send a message of condolance to the Faimily of Comrade Khalid Ghani Khreisheh.

(Mian Latif Arshad)
Secretary Information
Pakistan Labour Federation (PLF)
Affiliated with
World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)