18th June 2018;
Today’s official meeting of HTFI & TJAC leaders with worthy Chief Secretary B.B. Vyas has been postponed .
A crucial meeting of HTFI & TJAC leaders held at Srinagar about the overall scenario created at the moment about the resolution of burning issues of Rehbar- E-Taleems including immedate implementation of 7th pay commission and delinking of SSA salary, a threadbare discussion was held and unanimously it was decided that TJAC is ready to give some time to the government for delinking but can’t give more than one week time for the implementation of 7th pay commission and if the government fails to issue written order regarding the implementation of 7th pay commission up to 24.06.2018, TJAC will hold state level 24 hours sit in protest at Sher-e Kashmir Park Srinagar on 25.06.2018 in which ReTs / Head teachers from all the 22 districts will participate , and next strategy to intensify the stir will be announced the same day .
So be ready for fight on 25.06.2018.
Honorary Teachers Federation Of India (HTFI)