Message of Solidarity March 8th 2019, International Women’s Day

Message of Solidarity March 8th 2019, International Women’s Day

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Warmest Greetings from WFTU Regional Office in the Middle East!

As you know that all around the world today women are coming together to celebrate International Women’s Day. We all join the women around the world to voice out their demands and fight to achieve better conditions and comfortable life as women. This is a day to draw attention to women’s need for equality.

It was at the 1910 on the event of International Conference in Copenhagen that German leader Clara Zetkin first raised the idea of organizing an International Working Women’s Day to mark the important victories of women workers in the United States and to provide a focus for women around the world to organize public actions to win the right to vote.

As a labour international movement we at WFTU renew our commitment to organize collectively until all women are free from the oppressions and discrimination. In the region of the Middle East, women in particular have suffered tremendous results because of the imperial interventions of USA, EU and the Zionist entity occupations in this strategic area. We are committed to empower women at the areas of conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen and Libya to actively participate in building their societies since they are the caretakers who bravely hold the responsibility of reconstructing their communities and raising the new generations. We are very much confident that International Women’s Day can be an occasion to unite our struggle and make strong links and develop our strong solidarity and unity to overcome the problems which working women are facing. We believe that we will win this unjust system.

WFTU extends solidarity to women around the world and we wish them great success and achievements in this struggle

In solidarity,

WFTU Middle East Regional Office Director

Dr. Adnan Azzouz