In Solidarity with the Cuban people

The Brussels International Trade Union Meeting concluded its works today, 8th of June 2017, with great success.

The trade unionists from all over the world participating in the International Trade Union Meeting adopted a common resolution about the development of their action in solidarity with the Cuban people.

Brussels, June 8th 2017


Today, on June the 8th, concluded with great success the International Trade Union Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, in the European Parliament under the slogan:

“Stop with the blockade policies against Cuba”

Trade-unionists from 13 countries from all over the world reiterated their internationalist solidarity with the heroic Cuban People and demanded the end of the criminal financial blockade, imposed by the US imperialists and their allies. Furthermore, in an internationalist spirit of solidarity, the class-oriented trade unionists condemned the illegitimate usurpation of the Guantanamo territory by the US governments since 1903, demanding its immediate return to the Cuban state and people.

This way, we decided the launch of a dynamic international campaign with two concrete demands:

  1. The immediate end of the imperialist blockades against Cuba, as an act of violation of the Cuban people’s human rights. The imperialist blockade which was imposed by various US governments continues impeding the growth of Cuban economy and provoking hunger and medicine scarcity in the island. Despite the strong rejection of the international community against this inhuman blockade, this criminal practice is still in force. So we call upon every militant trade union in the world to develop various activities, denouncing the blockade policies.
  2. The unconditional return of the Guantanamo territory to Cuba, ending this way the illegitimate occupation of a part of Cuba’s national soil by the US imperialism for more than hundred years. We demand that the sovereignty of Cuban state be respected. The people of Cuba have the right to determine and decide by themselves on their present and future. The right of all peoples to their self-determination can’t be questioned.

Dear brothers and sisters from all over the world,

We have already achieved a great victory for the international trade union movement through the liberation of the Cuban 5 who were imprisoned for their activity in defense of their homeland and people. It was because of the international solidarity and support of the international trade union movement that we succeeded in setting them free.  Thus, after such a great victory we are now organizing a new international campaign with these two concrete goals.

We call upon every one of you to demonstrate its solidarity and to stand by the side of this heroic and proud people. It’s in our hands to help Cuba make another step forward for the attainment of its people contemporary needs. The working class of Cuba has never been and will never be alone!

Imperialism is not invincible!

Long live the Cuban People!

Brussels International Trade Union Meeting