Greetings from the Palestinian delegation in FISE Conference

To all members of the Conference
Congratulate you and pleasure at the end of the World Federation FISE, which was held in Brussels from 28-29 / October / 2013 and thank you for welcoming our union representative from Palestine and thank your solidarity with Palestine teachers and workers and the people of Palestine. We hope that this conference that the decisions are applied in all education unions in the world. And we hope that you are communicating with the General Union of Palestine Workers with education workers’ union and printing in the General Union of Palestine Workers G U P W  . that the decisions of the Conference is a good campaigner and we wish to communicate with you and future meetings with you and cordially invite you to Palestine. Also inform you that we will give to our union membership application at the World Education Union after few days . We hope your visit to Palestine.

With thanks
Mohammad Yahya
Deputy Secretary-General
International Relations. 29/10/2013