Greece: WFTU Lawyers Committee Delegation visits Athens to express solidarity against “Golden Dawn” neo-nazi criminal organization

An International Delegation of the WFTU Lawyers Committee composed by lawyers from Italy, Turkey and Cyprus is visiting Athens, Greece and it is following the Trial of the criminal – neo-nazi organization “Golden Dawn”. The WFTU Lawyers Committee has repeatedly expressed its deep concern on the trial’s Prosecutors declarations and the latest developments on the trial.

An important moment was the meeting of the committee members with Magda Fisa, mother of the murdered by the Golden Dawn artist Pavlos Fisas.

The international delegation of the committee expressed its solidarity with the victims of the nazi attacks against workers, immigrants and the people of Greece. Furthermore, the class-oriented WFTU lawyers underlined they are going to follow until the very end this important case and to respectively inform the international scene. As they stated to the Press and to the Greek class-oriented lawyers who try to prove the criminal role of the “Golden Dawn”: “This trial concerns all of us, not only from a legal but also from a social point of view”.