Greece: National General Strike – December 3


PAME – National General Strike – December 3

pame gia fiseThe World Federation of Teachers Unions, FISE, member of the WFTU sends a message of solidarity to the working class of Greece and the Militant Front of All Workers, PAME, for the strike organized on December 3, against the government’s attempt to impose even more severe and harsh measures to workers.

The attack towards the pensioners, the unemployed, the workers in Greece by the government SYRIZA- ANEL that implements the third memorandum according to the mandates of the EU and the capital’s representatives only through organized and uncompromising struggle can be answered.

The success of the strike of all workers in the public and private sector on December 3 and the militant initiatives of PAME are encouraging hundreds of unions that choose to collide with the capital and the governments which serve them.

Have a great success on December 3 2015 

With militant greetings
The Secretariat

FISE photo