DC Teachers Move to Strike – Suburban Pittsburgh Teachers Strike


DC Teachers Move Toward Strike over Unsafe Reopenings 

Today, DC schools reopened for in-person instruction. However, many teachers chose to engage in a “sickout” strike instead and not return to classes.

Now, the Washington Teachers’ Union says they’re considering a strike over unsafe conditions.

“If the District of Columbia schools continues to refuse to work with us to ensure the safety of our school facilities, we must continue to discuss ways to protect our health and safety. That could include a strike authorization vote later this week,” said Elizabeth Davis, Washington Teachers’ Union president, in a statement put out by the union today.

For more, check out the full statement by the Washington Teachers’ Union. 

Suburban Pittsburgh School District Enters Day 2 of Strike

Yesterday, several hundred teachers in Keystone Oaks, an affluent and growing inner-city suburb of Pittsburgh, went on strike.

They say that despite being in good financial shape, the school district is using the pandemic to demand employee cuts to pay and healthcare.

“The district remains in excellent financial shape and continues to use scare tactics in lieu of providing a fair and equitable contract for all parties,” read the Keystone Oaks Educators Association statement published on Facebook yesterday. 

For more, check out the Keystone Oaks Educators Association Facebook.