Condemnation on the murder of the Palestinian infant by Israeli settlers



Condemnation on the murder of the Palestinian infant by Israeli settlers.


The World Federation of Teachers Union member of WFTU denounced the murder of  Palestinian infant by Israeli settlers at 31/7/2015

The killings of civilians and children in Palestine by Israeli have no end. The imperialist barbarism does not even respect the infants. For them is another Palestinian that must cease breathing.

Israel exploits the support of the imperialist powers, the tolerance of capitalist governments and agencies which declare sympathy to the people of Palestine and simultaneously while developing economic relations, trade, military, etc. with the State of Israel.  The same support is offered by many trade forces that equate the aggressor with the victim

We invite educators around the world, trade unions en masse to express their solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people for an independent, viable state on the borders of ’67. Immediate cessation of the settlements and the withdrawal of settlers.

  • Stop any military support to the State of Israel! 
  • Stop the Barbarism!