Afghanistan: One teacher and two pupils killed by rocket in school


afghanistan-epi8esh-polh-kostAccording to government officials, a teacher and two pupils were killed today when a rocket hit school buildings in eastern Afghanistan, while the ongoing hostilities continue to cause the death of numerous civilians.
In the provinces which are the most hit, families avoid sending their children to school due to fear and some schools are forced to close down. In yesterday’s attack another 4 people were killed.
As an official in Longar Province declared, the attacker’s identity remains unclear.
The fighting in Afghanistan is continuing and is escalating after the withdrawal of most of the foreign forces in 2014.
The World Federation of Teachers Unions FISE as a member of the WFTU condemns the murder of the pupils and of the teacher in Afghanistan. It expresses its sorrow for the victims’ families.
It pledges to discuss this issue at the WFTU Conference which is starting today in Brussels with the topic “Embargoes, Blockades and the imperialistic interventions of the USA, NATO and their consequences to the peoples.
FISE considers that the murders and the attacks in Afghanistan wherever they come from are a tragic consequence of imperialistic interventions.