5th October – World Teachers’ Day

5WIN_20151003_01_13_32_ProThe World Federation of Teachers Union takes part in the work for the 70 years of the WFTU organized by CTB and WFTU in Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Βραζιλιάνα Λαμπούδη2The World Federation of Teachers Union, FISE, honors the World Teachers’ Day, 5th October 2015, and participates in the activities of the WFTU for the 70 years defending workers’ rights.
IMG_3378Teachers around the world face problems relating to both labor rights and the content of education. Problems originating from the global capitalist crisis, the attempt of the monopolies to safeguard their profits, from the transatlantic alliance of the imperialist mechanisms EU and US, as well as to adapt health, education, public services, trade, environment, everything, to the needs of monopolies.

In these difficult circumstances for the working class and the teachers, too, unions must organize struggles defending the rights of teachers and students. They must organize struggles to defend education of children of the working class and the grassroots classes.

5WP_20151002_010They must isolate the reformist trade unions and trade unionists who suggest management and submission to the EU and US policy and to the governments which consent to the imperialist powers




Long live the World Teachers’ Day!
Long live the CTB!
Long live the 70 years of the WFTU!
Long live the struggle for the education of people’s needs!

The Secretary